Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So what's this all about?

I am so excited to start this 30 day challenge with you!

For the next 30 days, we will be working on GRATITUDE.  You can purchase your 30 days of quotes & the accompanying E-book HERE.

Every morning you will read a quote & then take time to complete one of the following gratitude activities....

- Write & send a thank you note to someone
- Record 10 things you are grateful for
- Find ways to be grateful, even in a difficult situation
- Play the "Thankful" Game
- Go on a "Gratitude Walk"
- Establish a complaint free habit.  See how long you can go without saying anything negative.
- See how long you can sustain & immerse yourself in a good feeling.  At the end, notice what pulled you out of your good feeling.
- Differentiate your wants from your needs.  Be grateful that your needs are taken care of.

At the end of the day, read your quote again & then record your "gratitude" experience on the opposite page of your notebook.

Ideas to get even more out of your experience....

- Take the challenge with a friend & report back to each other throughout the month.
- Include your family members in this experience.
- Teach someone about what you are learning throughout the month.